Deadline for submission of The Annual Statement Of Brazilian Capital Abroad is April 5th

The deadline for submitting the Annual Statement of Brazilian Capital Abroad (“CBE”) report is April 5th, 2025.

The annual CBE report is mandatory for individuals and legal entities residing or having their headquarters in Brazil that, as of December 31st, 2024, owned assets abroad, such as stocks, bonds and securities, deposits, real estate, among others, in an amount equal to or greater than US$ 1,000,000.00 or its equivalent in another currency, as stated by Resolution No. 279/2022 of the Brazilian Central Bank (“BCB”).

We emphasize that failure to submit the CBE report, delivery after the deadline, or submitting it with incorrect information may result in fines imposed by the BCB, which may reach up to BRL 250,000.00 and can also be increased by 50% in some cases.

Should you have any questions related to the CBE report, our team is at your full disposal.

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