On August 14, 2023, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) issued a unanimous decision that directly affects criminal liability for tax-related crimes regarding the payment of tax debts. Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI) No. 4273, filed by the Attorney-General’s Office in 2009, was the subject of this judgment, resulting in the constitutionality of rules dealing with the full payment or payment in installment of tax debts.

The STF decision, reported by Justice Kassio Nunes Marques, validates parts of Laws 11,941/2009 and 10,684/2003, which amended federal tax legislation related to the installment payment of debts. These laws introduced decriminalizing measures, allowing for the suspension of criminal prosecution during the payment in installments of debts and the extinction of punishment after full payment.

The central argument for maintaining these laws was to encourage the redress of damage to the public treasury, boosting tax revenue. Justice Nunes Marques emphasized that such measures prevent the excessive use of criminal sanctions, in line with the principles of proportionality and minimal intervention of Criminal Law. According to him, criminal sanctions should only be applied when other measures prove to be insufficient to protect the public treasury.

This STF decision is of significant relevance as Brazil faces a substantial volume of criminal proceedings, especially related to tax crimes. The payment in installments of tax debts emerges as a strategy to avoid the initiation of investigations and to reduce the backlog in the judicial system, as the suspension of tax enforceability makes the filing of criminal actions inapplicable.

Therefore, this STF decision highlights the importance of taxpayers and businesses carefully assessing risks not only from a tax perspective but also from a criminal one. The strategic alignment between areas of tax law and criminal law is essential to ensure compliance with tax obligations, promote a sustainable economic environment, and preserve social equity. Ultimately, the decision contributes to a fairer and more equitable society while stimulating the economic development of the country.

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